07 November 2023 – Agenda


TO: All Members of the Policy & Resources Committee

Cllrs D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell, D Dawson, D Dodds (Deputy Chairman), H Dollman, M Dyer (Chairman), H Fickling, H Richards, P Swan

Ex Officio (Voting) Members – A Dite (Town Mayor) and A Gilbert (Deputy Mayor)

To all other Members for information


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee on Tuesday 7 November 2023 at 6:30pm (maximum two hours) in the Upper Chamber (Thame Town Hall) for the transaction of business as set out on the attached agenda.


Mandy Sturdy
Clerk of the Council

Date: Wednesday 1 November 2023




1 Apologies for Absence


2 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

To notify of any items that appear in the agenda in which there may be an interest that has not been recorded in the Member’s Register of Interest; and confirmation of any relevant dispensations.


3 Public Participation and Public Questions

To consider applications from members of the public to address the Committee (5 minutes maximum), in respect of any item of business included on the agenda.  Applications to speak must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.

To consider questions from members of the public (who live, work or run a business in the Parish).  Written questions must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 4pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.


4 Minutes

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 25 July 2023.

Minutes – 25 July 2023


5 Investment Portfolio

To receive an annual report presentation from Rathbone Brothers plc.

5. Investment Portfolio – Thame Town Council – November 2023 [PDF]


6 Investment Update

To note the summary of the investment performance.

6. Portfolio Performance Summary 30.9.23 [PDF]


7 Financial Update

  1. Budget Summary: To monitor actual income and expenditure against estimates.
  2. Balance Sheet: To note balance sheet as of 30 September 2023.

7a. P&R Budgetary schedule to Sept 2023 [PDF]

7b. Detailed Balance Sheet 30.9.23 [PDF]


8 Financial Overspends

To note the following financial overspends against budget line items (greater than the agreed de minimis of £100 / 5%) have been recorded since the last meeting:

  1. Staff Training – £500.00
  2. Town Hall & Depot Rates – £1000


9 Utilities Update

To receive a 3-year data analysis report and to note these figures will be updated quarterly.

9. Utility Analysis – Graphs – October 2023 [PDF]


10 Council Policies

To approve the following updated / reviewed Council Policies:

  1. Environmental Policy
  2. Severe Weather Policy
  3. Members Allowance Scheme

10a. Environmental Policy 7.11.23 [PDF]

10b. Severe Weather Policy 7.11.23 [PDF]

10b. Appendix 1 – Severe Weather [PDF]

10b. Appendix 2 – Severe Weather [PDF]

10b. Appendix 3 – Severe Weather – Map Gritting Areas [PDF]

10c. Members Allowances Scheme 7.11.23 [PDF]


11 Livestreaming Meetings

To consider supporting, in principle, the provision of livestreaming meetings and associated replacement audio / visual equipment in the Town Hall Upper Chamber, subject to a full specification and tender exercise in line with Financial Regulations.

11. Report – Livestreaming Meetings [PDF]


12 Thame Youth Memorial

To authorise Thame Youth Memorial Trust to undertake improvement works to Thame Youth Memorial.

12. Report – Thame Youth Memorial [PDF]


13 Town Hall

To approve the purchase and installation of secondary glazing units to be fitted to windows within the Town Hall.

To note that the Town Hall will be closed:

  • All day on Friday 10 November 2023 to facilitate the Staff and Councillors Strategy Workshop Day.
  • From 4pm on Friday 22 December 2023 to 9am on Tuesday 2 January 2024. The usual provision of notices / emergency telephone number will be provided, and some officers may choose to work on the closure days.
  • For up to half a day in December or January to enable a Staff Christmas social.

The closures have been / will be advertised via the weekly newsletter and website.

13. Report – Town Hall Secondary Glazing [PDF]


14 Reports from Representatives on External Organisations

To receive reports from the nominated representatives on:

  1. Barns Centre (Cllrs Baines and Dodds)
  2. Citizens Advice (Cllr Wyse)
  3. Thame Business Forum (Cllr Dyer)
  4. 21st Century Thame (Cllr Fickling)
  5. Welfare Trust (Cllr Champken-Woods)
  6. Red Kite Family Centre (Cllr Emery)
  7. Thame Senior Friendship Centre (Cllr Champken-Woods)
  8. Thame Youth Memorial Trust (Cllr Dyer)
  9. Thame Youth Projects Group (Cllr Bretherton)

14. Reports – External Organisations (November 2023 – P&R) [PDF]

14i. TYP Volunteer update Autumn 2023 [PDF]


15 Thame Museum

To note that remedial work to the glass lantern on the museum roof has taken place following further rainwater ingress into the main exhibition gallery.  The work has been successful, and the roof is watertight. 

To note quotations are being sought for a contractor to carry out a Building Condition Survey, the results of which will identify future work and approximate costs.


16 Councillor / Staff Nameplates

To note the intended purchase of replacement Councillor / Staff Nameplates for council meetings.

16. Report – Meeting Nameplates [PDF]


17 Community Engagement

To note the report.

17. Report – Community Engagement [PDF]


18 Free Use / De Minimis Delegated Authority

To note the report of the Free Use 2023-24 (and equivalent cost) granted by the Town Clerk through Free Use / De Minimis delegated authority.

18. Free Use of Facilities 2023-24 [PDF]