Grant Aid 2024-2025
Grants update for 2024-2025
To help reduce this year’s costs and keep the precept increase as low as possible, Thame Town Council have taken the difficult decision to pause their annual Community Grant Scheme. Whilst this does not include the grants given to the Red Kite Family Centre, Thame Youth Projects, Thame Senior Friendship Centre, and the Citizens Advice Bureau, it does mean that there will not be opportunities for other local groups to bid for funds this year. The Council will review this decision before the 2025/26 budget is set and will aim to incorporate funding assistance to the scope of work for the
new fundraiser / grants officer role.

Are you eligible?
- Is your organisation or project local to Thame?
- Does it benefit the town and its inhabitants?
- Do you need funding for a capital project?
- Have you secured (or intend to secure) other sources of funding for your project?
If you have answered yes to all the questions, you may be eligible for a grant from Thame Town Council. If you are unsure, please read the Guidance below (available when grant applications are open) or contact the Town Council.
Our Grant Award Policy can be viewed on our Policies & Procedures page.

How to apply
To apply for a grant from Thame Town Council you can either use the online form, download an application form an return by email or collect an application pack from the Town Hall (available when grant applications are open).
For the best chance of success, please ensure you include the following:
- Details of you and your organisation
- Your full contact details
- What your organisation does
- How your organisation benefits Thame
- The amount of funding you are requesting
You must also submit the following documents alongside your application:
- Your constitution (if not sent in the past 3 years)
- Annual accounts for the last two financial years
- A signed copy of the Declaration at the back of the application form