Category: Business News

Consultation – Thame Proposed 20mph Speed Limits

27th October 2023

Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel. Further details on how the council is considering making 20mph the new 30mph for Oxfordshire communities can be […]

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Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 – Third Consultation Open

16th June 2023

The third consultation for TNP2 is now open until Monday 7th August 2023.  This is the first draft of the revised Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP2).  It contains policies for how development should happen in Thame, where housing and employment could go and proposes projects to improve the lives of residents. It has been written with […]

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Christmas 2022 – Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

8th September 2022

Once again Thame Town Council will be producing another ‘calendar of events’ booklet that will be delivered to over 5500 homes in Thame. With the ‘Light Switch On’ event scheduled for 2 December, there will be additional events throughout the month of December that will draw footfall to the town centre. There will be festive […]

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Thame Town Council now has an Environmental Project Officer

1st September 2022

In 2020 Thame Town Council adopted the Thame Green Living Plan, a 10 year plan for a cleaner, greener Thame – find the full version of the Thame Green Living plan. Since then, some incredible work has already been achieved, driven a lot of the time by volunteers and community groups, supported by Thame Town […]

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Worthy winners celebrated at Town Awards ceremony

19th July 2022

On Thursday 14th July, on a sunny summer’s evening at Thame Barns Centre, seven Town Awards were presented to community-minded individuals, groups, and businesses. The awards ceremony was hosted by The Mayor of Thame, Councillor Paul Cowell, who welcomed this year’s winners and their guests, people who had nominated the winners, members of the Town […]

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TNP2 Consultation 2 Summary

11th May 2022

A summary of comments made during the second consultation covering the Thame Neighbourhood Plan was given by the Town Council’s consultant, Troy Planning, at an extra meeting of the Town Council on 28 April 2022 (view the minutes). It was explained that of the 900 people and organisations that commented on the proposed housing and […]

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View Thame Town Council’s 2022-23 Precept Leaflet

28th February 2022

Thame Town Council has published its annual precept leaflet, which outlines the Town Council’s expenditure and gives details of what your council tax has and will be spent on in Thame. You can click the link to view the 2022-23 precept leaflet [PDF] or pick up a printed copy from Thame Information Centre. The precept […]

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Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 – Second Consultation Closes

10th February 2022

We would like to thank everyone who submitted comments and attended the drop-in events. We have received a very high number of detailed comments which will take a few weeks to read through and properly understand. These will be analysed with the help of our consultant, Troy Planning, and presented alongside a timetable for the remaining key […]

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Lots to look forward to in 2022!

6th January 2022

The Town Council staff and councillors would like to wish everyone a healthy and happy new year, and let’s all hope that 2022 will be so much better than the last couple of years. Hopefully we won’t be subject to some of restrictions that we have had to live with recently as there are lots […]

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Christmas in Thame 2021

8th November 2021

Look out for the Town Council’s ‘calendar of events’ booklet that will be delivered to homes in Thame over the next few weeks. It will take all month to get round the town, so don’t worry if you don’t get one straight away. Additional copies will also be available from the Information Centre in the […]

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Parking Update – November 2021

5th November 2021

As many of you will know, from 1 November Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) have taken over parking enforcement in Thame. With the change to enforcement OCC are aware some people are raising concerns regarding outdated restrictions and impending enforcement in areas where they have become used to parking in contravention near to their homes and businesses. Working with Thame Town […]

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