Month: June 2023

Last Stop Thame – new exhibition opens at the museum

30th June 2023

Did you know that Thame once had its very own railway station?  It was on a branch line that ran from Princes Risborough to Oxford, calling on a number of villages on the way.  All that remains of it now is the Phoenix Trail from Thame to Princes Risborough. Discover this fascinating part of Thame’s […]

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Thank you to our volunteers

30th June 2023

We are shocked to hear of the negativity and abuse volunteers have received over the carnival and Thame 10km when undertaking safety marshalling. Thame is proud of our events and community cheer and we would like to thank all those who have helped over the last few weeks!  Please remember kindness is key! 

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New Coronation tree planting

30th June 2023

Last week we planted our Coronation oak tree in Churchill Crescent play area! Thanks to the Peter Griffiths and Sue Martin-Downhill from Thame Trees and 21st Century Thame for organising the planting of the 4 year old oak tree at Churchill Crescent recreation area.   We are extremely grateful to the residents who have volunteered […]

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Thame’s Debt Centre is here for you

30th June 2023

9.3 million people in the UK are facing problem debt and are in need of debt advice. It can take only a slight change in circumstances for someone to find themselves trapped in unmanageable debt.   Thame Debt Centre, launched in January 2020, run by Grace Church Thame with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has been […]

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George Edward House (1925 – 2023)

30th June 2023

The Town Council was also saddened to learn that George Edward House passed away peacefully on 28 May at the John Radcliffe Hospital at the age of 97. George was born in Thame in 1925 and lived here all his life. He was a Town Councillor and Chairman of the Urban District Council (UDC) in 1966. He […]

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Rosalyn Crouch  (1947 – 2023)

30th June 2023

The Town Council was saddened to learn that Rosalyn Crouch, who was a Town Councillor from 1991 to 1995, passed away at the beginning of June. Ros was born in Oxford and bought up on the Risinghurst estate. She was educated at Milham Ford School where she became head girl. She trained as a teacher   and […]

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Live on Lea Park? Volunteers Wanted!

23rd June 2023

Lea Park Residents’ Association held its Annual General Meeting at the Town Hall in late May. Unfortunately, insufficient volunteers came forward to form the Association’s Committee and to lead on important projects to improve the Lea Park Estate. As a result, the Association’s continuation is at threat. If volunteers are not forthcoming beforehand, the Association […]

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Thame’s looking bright and beautiful!

23rd June 2023

Last week (w/c 12 June 2023) the memorial gardens have been planted with lobelia, begonias and canna in a red, white and blue theme to acknowledge the King’s Coronation year. The Town Council’s maintenace team were joined by Cllr Adrian Dite, Mayor of Thame together with volunteers from the community and the Royal British Legion. […]

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Welcome your new Town Councillor – Paul Swan

22nd June 2023

At the Full Council meeting on 13 June 2023, the Town Council considered the six applications received to be a Town Councillor following the Thame North Ward vacancy that arose in May’s elections. The standard of the applications was high and the Council voted to co-opt Paul Swan onto the Council. Paul said: “I am […]

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Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 – Third Consultation Open

16th June 2023

The third consultation for TNP2 is now open until Monday 7th August 2023.  This is the first draft of the revised Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP2).  It contains policies for how development should happen in Thame, where housing and employment could go and proposes projects to improve the lives of residents. It has been written with […]

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Notice of Public Rights 2022 – 2023

16th June 2023

Thame Town Council has published its Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return – Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. The notice can be viewed on the Town Council website, and Montesson Square Noticeboard. The public inspection period for the accounts is from Thursday 15 June until Wednesday 26 […]

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Town Hall closures

9th June 2023

Please note due to staff shortages, the Town Hall will be closed on the following days/times: Wednesday 14 June, 1.00pm – 2.00pm Thursday 15 June, 1.00pm – 2.00pm Friday 16 June from 10.30am. This is so that we can get our carnival float decorated ready for Saturday’s parade.  Monday 19 June – Friday 23 June, […]

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