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  • Light on during the day, 21st October

    21 October 2024 6:28 pm

    Reference ON4 on the footpath between Naseby Close and Digby Close.
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Overton Drive, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Vehicles are not giving way as they should, 20th October

    20 October 2024 10:56 pm

    Vehicles are frequently not observing the need to give way at this junction. Why do we need wait for accidents?
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Thame Park Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Street Light outside number 7 is not working., 20th October

    20 October 2024 9:40 pm

    Street Light outside number 7 is not working.
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): 7, Maple Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Speeding, 19th October

    19 October 2024 11:12 am

    Along Thame Road in Towersey, the speed limit is 30mph. Every day, people are driving down this road at high speed. People walk their dogs on this road (myself included) There are also Horses sometimes on this road and alot of people don't slow down. I want to propose installing a speed camera.
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Thame Road, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Drain obviously blocked as every time it rains it floods the road where it’s situated, 19th October

    19 October 2024 9:50 am

    It’s been blocked for a few weeks

    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Chalgrove Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Large area pothole at junction of Maple Road and Cedar Crescent, Thame, 19th October

    19 October 2024 9:26 am

    Large area of rough. subsurface below tarmac exposed and likely to get much worse over winter. Been like this for several months.

    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Cedar Crescent, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Large pothole, 18th October

    18 October 2024 1:44 pm

    In Thame surgery car park

    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): East Street, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Hedge impeding footpath, 17th October

    17 October 2024 8:07 pm

    Overgrown hedge not pruned & maintained. Impeding pavement. Pedestrians have to step into the road uphill in the face of oncoming traffic on a busy road, on a blind hill over the Phoenix Trail (disused railway).

    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Phoenix Trail, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Long HGVs parking on pavements, 17th October

    17 October 2024 6:16 pm

    NB I have a picture of this but need an email address to send to. HGV s parking along pavements
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Wenman Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • HGVs waiting on highway, 17th October

    17 October 2024 6:14 pm

    Frequently, ie every day HGVs waiting, with hazard lights and engine running. This is becoming a frequent problem with HGVs waiting and stopping keeping engines running. Appreciate they may be waiting to use local roads to industrial estate but this is now being commonplace with HGVs simply stopping for 5-10 minutes at a time. If ar pollution and congestion is such an issue for OCC why are residents along this road subjected to unnecessary pollutants from Lorries sitting with engines running
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Wenman Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • The pavement going from the Driving range (on the B4011 between Thame and Long Crendon) and the Motty mead farm needs siding out. This road is a 60 MPH and we have pedestrians very close to the road as the pavement is at 38 inches., 17th October

    17 October 2024 4:32 pm

    Pavement needs siding out. This pavement has approx 38 inches (so slightly under 1 metre) for pedestrians to walk along and is used regulary by people, joggers, school children, dog walkers etc. Cars, HGVs, lorries go fast on this 60 MPH road. The CSW volunteers are advised to be at least one metre back from the road to be safe which is what alerted me to the risk with walking on this narrow pavement. From my calculations (approx) siding out could increase the pavement up to as much as 56 inches. Hope the photos help here. The pavement from the driving range into Thame is 63 incles so nearly double the width and much safer as pedestians can move in away from passing cars.

    Nearest address to the pin placed on the map (from OS Places API): Thame Road, Long Crendon
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • A Lamp Out of Light problem has been found, 17th October

    17 October 2024 3:02 pm

    Streetlight no 2 OOL
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Pothole, 17th October

    17 October 2024 11:14 am

    Large pothole developing
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Tythrop Way, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Drains filled with Tarmac, 17th October

    17 October 2024 8:56 am

    Oxford Road was getting resurfaced last night and now the drains have been filled with Tarmac.
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Priest End, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Drain tarmaced, 17th October

    17 October 2024 8:23 am

    The drain outside lord William upper school has been blocked by the men tarmac ing . This is ridiculous and will lead to flooding. It needs to be remedied immediately. Please forward to relevant department

    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Jubilee Gardens, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Overgrown hedge, 16th October

    16 October 2024 2:48 pm

    The hedge is overgrown and not been cut back this year preventing us from cutting the grass verge
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Seven Acres, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Overgrown Hedges, 16th October

    16 October 2024 1:54 pm

    The Hedges either side of Kingsey Road by Churchill Crescent are overgrown and sticking out into the road, normally they are cut with a tractor and flail but have not been done this year, could this be done as a priority please
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Kingsey Road, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Lamp post No 9 is on during daylight hours, 16th October

    16 October 2024 11:24 am

    Only recently noticed it
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Tichborne, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Outside 36 Hampden Ave, OX92DT, 15th October

    15 October 2024 4:51 pm

    This pothole has now got deep enough to expose the large stones that were the base
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Hampden Avenue, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet

  • Blocked Drain, 15th October

    15 October 2024 1:30 pm

    Blocked drain causing flooding. OCC have visited and cleraed weeds but it needs clearing out properly.
    Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Conduit Hill Rise, Thame, South Oxfordshire
    Report on FixMyStreet