Avoid Cuttle Brook!

Due to the recent wet weather, the Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve Team are asking residents to not walk on Cuttle Brook unless there is not an alternative. 
This message goes out to all, from dog walkers to school children, as we all need to work together to help the much-loved green space recover from heavy winter use.

The request to use alternative areas for walks and daily journeys will remain for a few months, to allow for untrampled regrowth.  There is concern that the damage to the area’s wildlife will become permanent unless visitors show some restraint.
Details of town trails and various walks can be accessed by the Town Council website, where you can also download the Walking Guide if you prefer an ‘off road’ option.
If you really must use the reserve, please keep to the paths – muddy as they are. Don’t take detours as this just spreads the damage and will take longer for nature to recover.