24 June 2014 – Agenda



All Members of the Personnel Committee

Meeting Room, Thame Town Hall

Tuesday 24 June 2014

5.30 pm

Cllr J Matelot Green (Town Mayor)

Cllr N Dixon (Deputy Mayor)

Cllr M Dyer (Chairman of Policy & Resources)

Cllr N Champken-Woods (Chairman of Community, Leisure & Recreation)

Cllr H Fickling (Chairman of Planning & Environment)



Helen Stewart BEM
Clerk of the Council                                                                                                     18 June 2014



1 Apologies for absence

2 Declarations of Interest

To notify of any items that appear in which there may be an interest that has not been recorded in the Member’s Register of Interest.

3 Public Participation

To consider applications from members of the public to address the Council (5 minutes maximum), in respect of any item of business included in the agenda.  Applications to speak must have been received by the Committee Administrator no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.


To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 29 October 2013.

5 Loyalty Card Rewards

To discuss the use of such rewards if collected.

6 Pensions Policy

To agree the policy for staff pensions.

7 Exclusion of the Public

Pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the busines to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting during consideration of:

Agenda Item 8: Staff Structure and Grades

Agenda Item 9: Staff Contracts

8 Staff Structure and Grades

To agree two amendments to the staff structure and gradings.

9 Staff Contracts

To discuss changes to employment contracts.