Public Art Installed on Barley Hill School Railings

In case you haven’t heard about it, Thame Town Council is currently implementing a Public Art Project that will result in 3 trails around the town. The first trail ‘The Peculiar Pot’ has now been completed, and the second trail the ‘Cavalier & Roundhead Route’ is now being fabricated and partially implemented.

One of the first elements to be installed as part of this second trail, is the artwork now displayed along the railings of Barley Hill School, when you approach it through the alleyway from the Cattle Market Car Park, North Street, through to the Lea Park estate.

The designs for this project were developed through workshops delivered in June 2022 with Year 3 pupils at Barley Hill School, providing information about the relevance of the street names across Lea Park. If you live in Lea Park please do visit the art work where you will be able to find your street name and learn who/what it was named after.