Theo’s Skate Jam an amazing success!

Theo’s family would like to thank so many people following an incredible first Theo’s Skate Jam which was held on 29 July. They were lucky enough to have some very lovely weather that added to the day and the most wonderful turnout and support and raised over £4000.00! They would like to take the opportunity to thank the amzing businesses and individuals who donated wonderful prizes and gifts for the tombola: Chilworth Timber, Invictus Fitness, JCL Glass, R J Groundcare, Thame Equipment Bank, Thame Football Partnership, Thame Town Council, Thame Wombles and Township Tattoo. There is still time to donate to Little Hearts Matter which is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting and empowering anyone affected by the diagnosis of a single ventricle heart. Any donation big or small will be appreciated: