23 February 2021 – Minutes


Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning & Environment Committee held on 23 February 2021 at 6:30pm by Zoom Conference Call.


Cllrs B Austin, P Cowell, A Dite (Deputy Chairman), D Dodds, H Fickling (Chairman), S Francis, C Jones, A Midwinter and T Wyse


Cllr M Dyer


C Pinnells, Acting Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services Officer

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Deacock (personal) and Emery (council business).

All Members who were present were able to be seen and be heard.

2 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Members were reminded that, in relation to planning application P21/S0172/LB, a dispensation was in place to allow all Members to speak and vote on planning applications where the Town Council was the applicant.

3  Public Participation and Public Questions

There was no public participation.
There were no public questions put to the Committee.

4 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

It was moved and seconded that Item 8 be taken after this item, given there were a number of residents who were observing the meeting for this item.

5 Planning Applications

1366 – 32 CHINNOR ROAD

Single storey front porch and single storey rear extension.


Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ16, ESDQ28
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES5, DES7, TH1, DES6, DES8, H20


Timber orangery to replace existing conservatory.


Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ19, ESDQ20
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES5, DES7, DES8, ENV8, DES6, DES8


Fascia sign and hanging sign.


      • Subject to amended plans being submitted to show an iron hanging sign bracket.
      • Subject to no objection from the District Conservation Officer.

Neighbourhood Plan Policies: WS2, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ20
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES7, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, DES6, DES8


Refurbishment of an estate agency.


      • Subject to no objection from the District Conservation Officer.

Neighbourhood Plan Policies: WS2, WS13, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ19, ESDQ20
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES7, EMP3, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, TC5, DES8


Construction of a single storey rear extension by removing existing conservatory, insert side window in existing wall to new utility room.


Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ16, ESDQ20
SODC Local Plan Policies:DES1, DES2, DES5, DES7, ENV6, ENV8, DES6, DES8, H20


Installation of a commemorative Blue Plaque to Frank H Kirby VC on the frontage of the building, at a height of approx 2.8 metres.


      • Subject to no objection from the District Conservation Officer

Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ19, ESDQ20
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES7, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, DES8


Proposed single storey rear extension. Proposed rooflights and gable windows to existing loft space.


Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ16
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES7, DES6, DES8, H20

1374 – 9 QUEENS ROAD

Garage conversion (a separate building accessed from the back of property) to be converted into a useable office space.


      • Subject to no objection from the County Highways Officer.
      • The loss of the garage for its original purpose is regrettable.
      • Subject to the garage not being used for residential accommodation and the use remaining ancillary to the dwelling in perpetuity.

Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ16, ESDQ29
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES7, TRANS5, DES6, DES8


Demolition of existing two-storey outhouse to be replaced with single storey home office with adjoining garden store.


      • Subject to the outhouse not being used for residential accommodation and the use remaining ancillary to the dwelling in perpetuity.

Neighbourhood Plan Policies: ESDQ16, ESDQ28
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES5, DES7, DES6, DES8

6 Reports from Town Council Representatives

  1. Transport Representative – Cllr Francis had nothing to report. Cllr Austin advised that he had been in contact with Mr Dave Harrison at Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) following his presentation to this committee in December. Mr Harrison had helpfully provided details of the S106 agreements and allocations for Thame in relation to transport, which in total amounted to £908,000. Approximately £820,000 of that was available for bus services, and the remainder for furniture. The funding would start to expire in 5 years’ time. It was anticipated that Thame could expect the available funds to rise to £1.25million, given further developments in the town. It was noted that Haddenham Parish Council had indicated they were willing to cooperate with the Town Council on transport matters, including the delivery of the Haddenham to Thame Cycleway, as they also had significant transport funds from developments. Cllr Austin reported that the funds did not have to be used in a way that benefited the site the funds were obtained from, which gave greater flexibility however it was noted that OCC required the funds to be used for strategic reasons. Cllr Austin felt given the substantial S106 funds available, £5,000 within the Town Council’s funds for a needs analysis and the expiry of the 280-service loop in two years, there was an opportunity to build something that will benefit Thame in the future and suggested that a working party be formed to take this forward. Cllrs Cowell and Dite volunteered to join Cllrs Austin, Francis and Wyse on the working party. The Acting Town Clerk advised that the Town Council would be reviewing its Working Groups as currently they are unevenly spread across the committees. It was noted that any discussions relating to transport needed to consider the Thame Neighbourhood Plan revision, the impact of neighbouring developments on infrastructure demands and the Thame Green Living Plan.

7 Consultation – Draft Licensing Policy for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire

The consultation largely related to changes that brought the policy in line with national legislation and therefore the committee had no comments to make on the consultation.

8 For Information

The items for information were noted.

With regards to Item 8d, the Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer (NPCO) advised that an enforcement case by South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) was ongoing at The Tithe Barn, and therefore the Town Council did not want to comment on matters that may have implications on this. The NPCO advised that undertaking works and the change of use on a listed building without applying for permission was an offence and not covered under permitted development. Members were pleased to see that enforcement were investigating this matter. It was understood that the owner had applied for permission, although the application had not yet been registered at SODC but would be presented to this committee as and when available.

Members were pleased to note that planning application P20/S4663/HH had been withdrawn.

With regards to Item 8h, the NPCO explained that residents living opposite the Wenman Road industrial estate had raised various highways matters to the Town Council that related to some recently approved applications. Firstly, the Invictus Gym application was approved by SODC against the recommendations from the Town Council and OCC on highways safety and parking concerns. Secondly, the recently approved application at 3A Wenman Road (Howdens) – also approved against OCC Highways advice – was exacerbating highways concerns for local residents. Residents were not consulted on this application as SODC only consult within a 5m radius of application sites. This was a known issue and something the Town Council had written to SODC about previously, but unfortunately there had not been a change in procedures. Residents had also raised concern about noise and localised damage to grass verges from HGV vehicles. The HGV activity is lawful however the Town Council would be raising the damage with the relevant developers, in the hope it could be rectified before the roads were adopted by Highways. Concerns had also been raised regarding access to Site C (Reserve Site) through Hode Garth. The site promoter had provided the Town Council with mitigating information, but it was too early to comment on this. Given the concerns, the NPCO suggested that the committee could write to SODC and OCC to request no more applications are granted permission against Highways advice in this area until the effect of the operations at the gym and 3A Wenman Road can be seen under normal working conditions.

Members agreed this was a sensible approach and sympathised with residents on their concerns.

The NPCO clarified that HGV movements during the night were lawful in most cases as there were no restrictive conditions attached to the original planning permissions – which were granted long before the residential estate was built – and it was unlikely the owners would seek a variation on these permissions, however newer applications did provide an opportunity to introduce conditions to protect residents.

In light of the cumulative effect of the developments, it was agreed that the committee would write to the District Head of Planning and Development Management, copying in County Highways, proposing that no new permissions are granted against County Highways advice until the combined effect of the Invictus Gym and Howdens are seen under normal working conditions.

The Chairman encouraged residents to raise their concerns with the businesses directly and assured residents that the Town Council had listened to their concerns and would do what it could to assist.


The meeting concluded at 7:16pm.



Signed …………………….

Chairman, 16 March 2021