01 May 2018 – Agenda


TO: All Members of the Planning and Environment Committee

Cllrs B Austin, D Bretherton (Deputy Chairman), P Cowell, M Deacock, D Dodds,
H Fickling (Chairman), C Jones, A Midwinter and M Stiles

Ex Officio (Voting) Members – T Wyse (Town Mayor) and L Emery (Deputy Mayor)

To:            All other Members for information

VENUE: Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall

DATE:    Tuesday 1 May 2018

TIME:     6.30 pm (maximum one hour)


Graham Hunt
Clerk of the Council

Date: 25 April 2018



1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

To notify of any items that appear in the agenda in which there may be an interest that has not been recorded in the Member’s Register of Interest; and confirmation of any relevant dispensations.

3. Public Participation and Public Questions

To consider applications from members of the public to address the Committee (5 minutes maximum), in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Applications to speak must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.

To consider questions from members of the public (who live, work or run a business in the Parish). Written questions must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 4pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.

4. To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Planning & Environment Meeting held on 10 April 2018.

5. Planning Applications

New door from backstage on to side passage.

Convert integral garage to living accommodation.

P18/S1267/LB – 26 HIGH STREET
Repair to stone wall.

Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of Planning Permission P15/S2166/RM-to remove the side windows from plots 12 & 13.

P18/S1312/HH – 20 MOOREND LANE
Proposed rear conservatory.

6. Reports from Town Council Representatives

a) Transport Representative – Cllr M Stiles

7. SODC Planning Committee Notification – P18/S0078/FUL

We have been notified that planning application P18/S0078/FUL, Land at New Barn Farm, Kingsey Road, is due to be discussed at the Planning Committee meeting on 2 May 2018. There has been no time to fully digest the planning officer’s report. To note that a plan of action will be executed via e-mail outside of the meeting cycle.

8. For Information

a) P18/S0287/A – Nationwide Building Society, 99 High Street – Contrary Decision. At the Planning & Environment Committee meeting on 20 February 2018 the Town Council recommended approval subject to the fascia sign being made of natural materials and no objection from the Conservation Officer.

The District Council have granted permission, an excerpt from the Delegated Officer’s Report reads ‘The specialist officer considers that the erected signage does not have a material greater harm than the previously approved signage scheme. As such it is considered that as the proposed signage does not have a materially greater impact on the character or appearance of the site or surrounding Conservation Area than the previous signage allowed at appeal, justification for refusal of consent does not exist in this instance.

b) P17/S3983/HH – 22 Whittle Road – First Floor Extension – Contrary Decision. At the Planning & Environment Committee meeting on 28 November 2017 it was agreed to recommend refusal on the grounds of inadequate parking provision, the three spaces shown on the plan are not achievable.

In addition the following comments were made: – The Committee noted that this is a retrospective application. Should the planning application be granted the following conditions should be applied:

1. The use of the garage and the additional bedroom, which must remain as a bedroom, be ancillary to the dwelling in perpetuity.
2. The use of the garage remains as such and not converted to living accommodation without obtaining further permission to ensure adequate parking provision for the size of the dwelling is maintained.

At the meeting on 11 April 2018 the District Planning Committee granted approval with a condition that the garage accommodation approved shall be retained as such and shall not be adapted for living purposes without planning permission.

The suspected material change of use at the site, whereby the constructed annexe is being used as an office was the subject of an ongoing planning enforcement investigation. If it is concluded that a material change of use has occurred, this will require permission where the parking provision of the site will be considered in that context.

c) P18/S0370/PAR – Bates Leys Farm, Moreton Lane – Change of use and conversion of three agricultural barns to residential dwellings – Contrary Decision. At the Planning and Environment Committee meeting on 20 February 2018 the following recommendation was made:


This application is recommended for refusal on the grounds that the scheme is not permitted development under the relevant class as it proposes development outside of a building and its curtilage; access arrangements are such that intensification of use would lead to significant safety concerns for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders; that safe access along the whole length of Moreton Lane could not be guaranteed; that the remote location of the buildings would lead to an overreliance on private motor vehicles.

d) P18/S0657/LB – Coral Racing Ltd 40 Upper High Street – Amendment No. – As amended by plans and information received 16 April 2018. The Town Council recommended approval of the original application at the meeting held on 13 March 2018. Amendment No. 2 shows the sign to be hand painted onto existing timber background fascia replacing the original proposal for vinyl lettering. After reviewing amendment the Officer’s opinion is that it would not alter the Town Council’s original recommendation of approval, subject to no objection from the District Conservation Officer.

e) APP/Q3115/W/17/3173982 – Thames Valley Police, Greyhound Lane, Appellant Churchill Retirement Living. Notice that this appeal will take the form of a hearing on 16 May 2018. The hearing will be held at Tetsworth Memorial Hall, 62 High Street, Tetsworth, commencing at 10am for two days.

f) Road Closure Notice – A40 – Postcombe, Tetsworth – 4 June 2018 for a maximum of 5 consecutive days.

g) Road Closure Notice – B4445 (near Emmington) – 4 June 2018 for a maximum of 5 consecutive days.

The Town Council has been assured that this and the road closure listed above are being done by the same team in series rather than in parallel otherwise they will be in conflict with each closing the diversion route for the other.

h) Road Closure Notice – A4129 – Tythrop Way, 11 May 2018 for one night (20:00 to 6:00).

i) P18/S1208/LDP – 6 Windmill Road – Formation of habitable room in roof space with rear dormer and gable build up. The Local Planning Authority has stated it is unable to take any comments but if any Councillor has specific concerns please be prepared to raise them in the meeting.