19 March 2013 – Minutes


Minutes of a Meeting of the Culture, Leisure & Recreation Committee held on 19 March 2013 at 7.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllr N G Champken-Woods (Town Mayor), A Dite, N M Dixon (Chairman), M L Dyer, A Gunn, V F Humphries, P Lambert (Deputy Mayor), D A Laver and M Stiles (Vice Chairman).


Mrs H Stewart, Town Clerk

Mr R Goss, Project Officer

Mrs C Pinnells, Community Services Manager

Mrs A Oughton, Committee Services Officer

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bretherton (Holiday) and Emery (Business).

2 Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Dyer and Laver declared an interest in item 13 as Trustees of the Museum and left the meeting during this item.

3 Public Participation

There were no applications to address the Committee.

4 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Budget / Finance Summary

Members received the budget summary up to 31 January 2013. A full set of the accounts were available at the meeting.

6 Service Priorities

The Members noted the progress on the Service Priorities. The planning application with regard to the Gates at Elms Park was due to go before the Planning Committee at SODC in the next couple of weeks. No issues relating to the Gates had been reported directly to the Town Council.

7 Verbal Reports from Town Council Representatives on Outside Bodies

a) Cuttle Brook Management Committee – Cllr Laver reported that the next Management Meeting was scheduled for 3 April and a volunteers planning meeting for 13 April 2013. Poor weather had made work parties difficult. Native shrubs and trees had been planted on the Reserve. It was difficult to know whether the Ash trees had been affected by the Ash Die Back disease further checks would be made once the trees begun to blossom. Plans for the new bridge were progressing with a list of materials being submitted to the Council in the next couple of weeks. Volunteers provided guided tours of the Reserve as part of the SODC Tourism Day and also took part in Tidy Thame Day.b) Leisure Centre Management Committee – Cllr Stiles had nothing to report.

c) Carnival Committee – to be discussed under item 8.

d) Football Partnership – Cllr Dyer reported there had been some problems but he was quietly confident that the Board had addressed the issues and taken steps to improve the profitability of the Partnership.

e) Twinning Association – Cllr Humphries reported the next committee meeting was 21 March and a French Film Night would take place on Saturday 23 March at the Cross Keys.. A party from Montesson was due to arrive on 17 April and volunteers were needed for home hospitality.

f) Cricket Club – Cllr Champken-Woods reported that the Club had invited personnel from RAF Halton to join the team, strengthening the links between the town and the RAF.

g) Chinnor RFC – Cllr Gunn commented that the Club was still undecided on what to purchase to celebrate their 50th year. Club members had been very supportive of the Equipment Pool, helping to move equipment in and out of the storage containers.


8 Nomination to Outside Bodies

Cllr Dite was nominated as the Council representative to the Carnival Committee.

9 Christmas Lighting Options

The existing contract to provide Christmas lights in the town was due to expire this year. The option to buy the existing scheme would leave the town with a lighting arrangement which would become dated over a period of time. Retailers in the town had expressed a wish for the lighting scheme to be extended into North Street which was not covered under the existing contract. Members decided the lighting contract should be put out to competitive tender to include extending the scheme in the town and provide different lighting options.

i) That the contract for the Christmas Lighting go out to competitive tender.

10 Pickenfield Play Area

The Management Plan for the Pickenfield Play Area was presented for approval.

i) That the Pickenfield Recreation Area 5 year Management Plan be approved.

11 Fair Agreement

Members agreed that the fine of £25 for late submission of paperwork and the £250 fine for noise levels being exceeded might help improve the operational control of the Fair.

i) That the one year Fair Agreement be approved with the two fine amendments.


12 Elms Park Lighting

After some discussion it was decided that a decision could not be reached on the information submitted to the Committee. Clarification of the cost for the whole project would be presented and taken to Full Council. Members were of the opinion that the Windsor lamp was the best design for the Park. RESOLVED:
i) That the scheme should be based on using the Windsor Lamp with cast base.


i) That a proposal for covering the cost of the project be presented to Full Council.

13 Museum Annual Inspection

The annual Inspection Report was discussed and noted. It was suggested that future inspection reports include a traffic light system to highlight the urgency of the work.


i) That the actions in the report be implemented.

14 Skate Park

A working group had been formed and the specification drawn up for the proposed Skate Park. It was anticipated that the project would go out to tender shortly. Planning permission would be required for the new Park. Currently the project was not in a position to be able to apply for the SODC CIF grant; however, it was the intention of the Group to apply for CIF funding next year. The demonstration by Skaters at the Christmas Event had proved very successful raising £225.


15 Maintenance Team Report

The Maintenance Team was congratulated on the tree pollarding carried out in St Mary’s Churchyard and work at the Memorial Gardens. Both projects had improved the areas concerned and compliments had been received from members of the public.

The meeting concluded at 8.30pm


Signed …………………………….
