07 October 2014 – Minutes


Minutes of a Meeting of the Community, Leisure & Recreation Committee held on 7 October 2014 at 6.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.
Cllrs D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods (Chairman), A Dite, N Dixon (Deputy Mayor), M Dyer, P Lambert, D Laver, J Matelot Green (Town Mayor), M Stiles (Deputy Chairman) and T Wyse.


C Pinnells, Community Services Manager

J Howells, Asset Manager

A Oughton, Committee Services Officer

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Emery (Business), Matelot Green (Personal) and the Town Clerk.

2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3 Public Participation

There were no applications to address the Committee.

4 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Budget Summary

Members received the budget summary up to 31 August 2014.  A full set of the accounts were available at the meeting.

6 Reports from Representatives on External Organisations

a)    Cuttle Brook Management Committee – Cllr Laver reported that work on the boardwalk had come to a halt over the last few months due to lack of funds.  However, new funding for materials had now been found and work would continue into the autumn.  The exhibition in the Museum had been a success and was due to finish tomorrow.  A walk around the Reserve in July provided a forum for an exchange of ideas and useful dialogue for the production of a management plan next year.  Gill Deakin was standing down as secretary after 10 years service.  The AGM was scheduled to take place in a fortnight.

b)    Carnival Committee – Cllr Emery had submitted a short report which the Chairman read.  The date for next year’s Carnival was Saturday 13 June 2015.  Sue Martin Downhill had agreed to organise the event and a date for the first meeting of the organising committee would be set for later in the year.  A facebook page had been set up for updates – www.facebook.com/thamecarnival2015.

c)    Football Partnership – Cllr Dyer reported that following the comprehensive report given to the Council by the Chair of the Football Partnership there was nothing further to report.

d)    Twinning Association – Cllr Humphries had submitted a short report which the Chairman read.  The recent trip to Montesson had been a success and coincided with the arrival of the ‘Haddenham Hillbillies’ who cycled from Thame to Montesson.  Preparations were underway for the Christmas market in Montesson and the arrival of representatives from Montesson to Thame on 5 December.  The next cinema evening will be on 11 October at the Cross Keys.

e)    Cricket Club – Cllr Champken-Woods said there was nothing to report since there had not been a meeting.

f)     Chinnor RFC – Cllr Bretherton reported there had been no meetings but he had received a welcome to the club by the Secretary.

7 Continental Market

Following the success of continental markets held in the town it was proposed to hold an Italian market on 6-7 March 2015 and a French market on 30-31 October 2015.


i)             The two continental markets for 2015 be approved.

8 Play Area Strategy

A number of points relating to the Strategy were highlighted.  After discussion it was agreed that the Strategy be reviewed and brought back to the next meeting for approval.  It was suggested that moving forward an Open Spaces Working Group should be formed.

9 Recreation Areas

After discussion the Inspection Policy for Play Areas was adopted with the following amendments; Para 2.1 to read ‘All play areas will be visually inspected daily from April through to 30 September and reported monthly on the approved inspection form specific to each play area’.  Para 3.1 to read ‘A corresponding form for each area will be completed as a permanent report of the level of serviceability found.


i)             The Inspection Policy for Play Areas be approved subject to amendment to Para 2.1 and 3.1.

10 Town Awards

The Town Awards for 2014 had been a success with more nominations than in previous years.  In 2015 the presentation of the Awards would take place at the Annual Town Meeting scheduled for 5 May 2015.  After discussion Members felt that an extra category to recognise achievement in the Arts should be considered with nominations being open to any age.


i)             The Terms of Reference for the Awards Panel be approved.

ii)            The award categories be approved with an additional award to recognise achievement in the Creative Arts.

11 Carnival

As reported in item 6b) the date for the 2015 Carnival had been set and an organising committee formed.  Members agreed that the transfer of the Carnival monies held by the Town Council to 21st Century Thame Limited take place via a grant.


i)             The transfer of £4,615 Carnival funds to 21st Century Thame Limited for the exclusive organisation of the Town Carnival be approved.

12 Christmas Event

The Christmas event was progressing well, with plans to have a family of Reindeer and a miniature steam railway as two of the attractions on the night.  The lantern parade which was a huge success last year would be repeated with parents, grandparents and members of the Thame & District Day Centre encouraged to be involved.  To compliment the event Florence Nightingale Hospice and Thame Lions were planning a 3km Santa Dash to take place on the Sunday.

13 Service of Remembrance

The date for the Service of Remembrance – Sunday 9 November 2014 was noted.

14 Maintenance Report

The report was noted.  Members complimented the Maintenance Team on the hanging baskets in the town and special floral tribute to commemorate the centenary of the First World War in the Memorial Gardens.
The meeting concluded at 7.23pm

Signed ……………………………..

Chairman, 10 February 2015