Have You Registered to Vote?

Here’s what you need to know:
Registering only takes around five minutes if you do it online. It’s the same whether you plan to vote in person at a polling station, by post, or through a proxy voter.
Go to the gov.uk website and fill out the form. You’ll need your National Insurance number or another form of ID, and current address details to hand. You can also register by sending a form to your local electoral office.
Students can be registered at both their home and term-time addresses, but can only vote in one place. Voting more than once in a general election is a criminal offence.
Even if you’ve voted before, you might need to register again
If you’ve moved address, changed your nationality, or changed your name for any reason, you will need to register to vote again.
You don’t have to vote in person
If you can’t get to a polling station on 4 July or you don’t want to, you can register for a proxy vote or a postal vote. But you must register to vote first, before the deadline on Tuesday 18 June.
A proxy vote means someone else votes for you on the day, and a postal vote means you can send your vote in by post ahead of polling day.
Dates you need to know:
Register to vote by 18 June, visit gov.uk/registertovote
Apply to vote by post by 19 June (5pm), visit gov.uk/apply-postal-vote
Apply for voter ID by 26 June (5pm), visit gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate
Apply for a proxy vote by 26 June (5pm), visit gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote