Welcome Belinda to Thame Town Council!

This week there has been a lot of change within Thame Town Council, including the arrival of Belinda aka Belle, who will be covering Clare as Communications and Events Officer whilst she is on maternity leave!
Here’s a short message from Belinda about her first week and her time in Thame:
“My husband and I moved to Thame 5 ½ years ago and immediately fell in love with the town – its people, its pubs, but most of all, its heart. Never have we ever felt such a sense of community as we do here. Which is why it was such a thrill to walk through the big blue doors of the Town Hall on Monday morning, beyond the front counter, and into the inner sanctum of the Thame Town Council.
And, what a well-oiled machine it is! I will need to draw on all my skills from the past 30 years, as a journalist, creative writer, promotions manager, and broadcaster, if I am to fill the shoes of Clare Peecock. Clare has done an incredible job as communications and events officer and I look forward to minding her role over the next twelve months as she steps into the role of motherhood.”