Thame Town Council Refresh

May not only marks our birthday month, but really, it’s the start of our calendar. Each May the Town Council meet for their Full Council Annual Meeting in which they re-elect the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Committees and Committee Chairs.
But how do they come to the decision I hear you cry!? Well, its pretty simple, Councillors put themselves forward for the role they wish (e.g Mayor, Deputy, Committee Chair) and give a few words as to why they think they will be good for the role and their intentions for how they can help Thame over the next year, and then the rest of the Council vote!
It’s a positive evening, and although I have only been with Thame Town Council a few years, I have yet to see a chair thrown across the Upper Chamber in rage! And why would one?! Council Staff and Councillors want the best for Thame and our thriving community!
This year’s annual meeting was a great evening, all Councillors will play a vital role in Thame, and the Town Council’s 50th birthday, but we can confirm our new Mayor and Deputy Mayor are….
(imagine a drum roll please)
Cllr Andy Gilbert and Cllr David Dawson.. although in the above picture David is on the left, and Andy is on the right! But don’t they look like a grand pair!
We would like to congratulate them both and wish them every luck and success in what is going to be an amazing year!
Our committees are just as important, they help Thame and our residents in various ways:
Corporate Governance: To oversee the management of the Council’s finances, policies, procedures, offices, information, and legal matters.
Community Services Community, events, communications, town vibrancy, and customer service.
Planning Leading on planning, the built environment and related policy. Monitoring the impact and delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Personnel Making decisions about all staffing matters, subject to budget and expenditure limits decided by Council. Developing and agreeing personnel policies and practices relating to salaries, recruitment, grades, conditions, health & safety, and pensions.
Environment & Assets Developing and maintaining the Council’s assets and open spaces and progressing environmental projects.
If you have a passion about Thame, particularly in any of these areas, you are more than welcome to attend council meetings!
Dates can be found on our website, as well as agendas and minutes.
I am sure you agree, we look forward to hearing what our new Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the rest of our Councillors get up to over the year!