Happy Birthday Thame Town Council

May is a great month, hopefully the sun will shine, pub gardens are full, and the sound of the ice cream van brightens up your evening walks, but it’s also our birthday month!
This year is a special one, as Thame Town Council turns 50 years!
Yes, its hard to believe we are 50 years old when we all look so young, but in 1974 Thame Urban District Council became Thame Town Council and Thame has never looked back!
Between now and April 2025 we want to take a trip down memory lane with our wonderful residents, and councillors past and present to celebrate all that Thame has accomplished over the last 50 years!
If you have a fond memory of past events, or people who have shaped the town over the last 50 years, we would love to hear from you!
Especially if you have pictures from events such as Thame Carnival, Thame Fair, and Christmas Lights Switch Ons!
Please email into us via info@thametowncouncil.gov.uk
and let’s celebrate Thame!