Application for waste site at Moorend Lane

In December last year a planning application was submitted to the County Council for a permanent facility that would process up to 100,000 tonnes of aggregate and soil per year.  Construction, demolition and excavation waste would arrive on site, be crushed and sieved into waste streams by type and then be delivered for reuse elsewhere. It is believed that most of the waste and materials would arrive from and be sent back to building sites in Buckinghamshire.
A temporary permission had previously allowed this site to be used for the extraction of valuable sands and backfilled with excavation waste. The processing of a relatively small amount of waste for use elsewhere was also permitted. This permission expired at the end of 2022 and the site should have been restored to agricultural use by that date. The applicant chose, however, to continue working as though under the expired consent.  This continued until recent planning enforcement action stopped all activity.
The Town Council and other bodies and individuals objected to the original application in January 2023. The consultation on this application has now been reopened to allow new information prepared by the applicant to be considered.
The Town Council is aware that the site’s temporary use gave rise to many complaints regarding dust, noise, debris and HGV movements.  Under the old, temporary permission HGV movements were heavily restricted for reasons of road safety and local amenity. No more than 18 HGV movements (9 journeys in and 9 journeys out) were anticipated each day. The new proposal would allow up to 80  HGV movements per day with access to the site via Moorend Lane, a public bridleway.
The Town Council believes the proposed use would be contrary to Minerals and Waste Plan policy.  You can view and comment on the application and newly released documents via the following link.  Please return your comments to the County Council by Thursday 21 September: