Planning Application – Oxford Road

Update – 13 October 2022

Register now for informal public meeting

With regards to planning application (P22/S2418/FUL) at land off Oxford Road for 77 houses, the Town Council has not yet considered this application as they are awaiting a response from the applicant (Bloor Homes) to the various consultation responses. It is likely that Bloor will be submitting amended plans to address objections, at which point the Town Council will bring the application to a Full Council meeting for consideration in line with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP) policies.
In the meantime, as the Town Council is aware that there are many concerned residents, an informal public meeting has been arranged for Thursday 20 October from 6.30pm – 7.30pm via Zoom. This is an opportunity for you to ask our Officers questions and understand how the application relates to the existing Thame Neighbourhood Plan and the upcoming TNP2. You are welcome to drop-in anytime, but please register via
and submit your question(s) in advance using this form by 18 October.


Update – 16 September 2022

Site F Phase 2 archaeology investigations:

Bloor Homes have advised the Town Council that they have arranged for archaeological trial trenching to take place on Site F (Thame Meadows) week commencing 19 September 2022. This is in line with the method of archaeological investigation approved by the County Council in connection with Bloor’s current application P22/S2418/FUL. Bloor Homes will separately advise all current residents of Site F of these works via mail drop.
The intention is to present the findings to the County Archaeologist and agree any further mitigation if required. 

Update – 4 August 2022

The Town Council is aware that many residents are concerned with the recent planning application (P22/S2418/FUL) at land off Oxford Road for 77 houses. Matters raised have included flood risk, publicly accessible open space and play areas.

As is usual for this type of application, river and surface water flood risk will be independently assessed by the Environment Agency, the County Council in their role as the Local Lead Flood Authority, the District Council’s Drainage Engineers and Thames Water, in their capacity as the local sewerage operator. It is possible that other consultees will submit commentary on this matter too.

It was explained in our 14 July newsletter that the applicant will have to show that their scheme is compliant with the aims of both the District’s Local Plan and the current Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP). A key part of that will be explaining how the applicant is proposing to provide for the loss of a large proportion of the 17 hectares of publicly accessible open space required by the TNP.

The Town Council is working with both the applicant and the District Council to understand how these, and other matters will be addressed. We do not yet have a date on which this application will be taken to the Town Council’s Committee for consideration. As soon as a date has been identified we will announce it through our newsletter and social media.

Update – 14 July 2022

A planning application (P22/S2418/FUL) for 77 homes on land off Oxford Road has been submitted for consideration. The applicant, Bloor Homes, is describing it as Phase 2 to their recently completed site.  This was called ‘Site F’ within the current Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP).

The site is able to come forward now as the current TNP made space for a reserve site for 78 homes in this area in case housing could not be built on Lord Williams’s Lower School Site.  Major archaeological remains have forced the movement of the reserve site from the west of the Oxford Road site to the east.  The area this current planning application relates to is shown in red on the above plan.

The applicant will have to prove that the scheme is otherwise compliant with both the District’s Local Plan and the current TNP. With the area of land generally accepted as being suitable for housing, it is proposed that the site will also be allocated within the revised TNP, which will be released as a draft for consultation in the summer. It can then be counted as contributing to the housing the District Council have allocated towards Thame.

Date posted: Thursday 14 July 2022
Updated: Wednesday 21 September 2022