Thame’s Service of Remembrance 2021

Last Sunday there was a huge turnout for Thame’s annual Service of Remembrance in recognition of those who have given their lives for our country. The event started with a procession from Thame Town Hall, ending at the Memorial Gardens and included members of the Royal British Legion, Town Councillors, service personnel from RAF Halton, representatives from various community groups, members of St John Ambulance, Thame Guiding and Thame Scouts. The repositioning of the large screen this year provided both a clear view of the proceedings for all to see and words to accompany the service. Special thanks go to the owners of the Cottage Bakery who allowed the use of their premises for filming. A spectacular low level fly past by a Chinook and Puma courtesy of RAF Benson wowed the crowd who ended the service with a spontaneous round of applause.
Photo courtesy: James Tipping
Poppy Appeal
The final figures are in for the November 2021 Thame Poppy Appeal which raised an impressive sum of £20,036.15. The Thame Poppy Appeal Organiser would like to express profound gratitude to the people of Thame, the surrounding areas, businesses and especially the volunteers who gave up their time to support the collection. This ‘Thank You’ enables the Royal British Legion to help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round.
If you wish to join the friendly Thame town centre street collecting team and can spare a couple of hours during the beginning of November 2022, please contact Keith Wallington 07776 594001 for more information.
Thame’s British Legion pays tribute
Thame Royal British Legion organised the planting of a rose in the Memorial Gardens for their former President, Major Robert Bartlett who sadly passed away earlier this year. It was planted to replace another memorial rose that had ceased flowering.
The variety that was chosen, Tuscany Superb will bloom deep crimson and gold in recognition of the Major’s regimental colours. The Mayor, Cllr Paul Cowell attended the event and thanked the Royal British Legion for organising this fitting tribute in conjunction with the Town Council.
Pictured: Daphne Bartlett, Tony Buggins and Roger Mackriell
Date posted: Thursday 18 November 2021