We want to hear from you about Elms Park and Housing Needs

Thame Town Council is currently running two surveys and would like to hear your thoughts.
Elms Park improvements survey
Thame Town Council’s Open Spaces Working Group (OSWG) is reviewing designs to deliver improvements to Elms Park. The park is an important component in the historic town centre and conservation area of Thame and the OSWG would like to hear your views. The information gathered will be used to help create the design and to make sure that a really special and inspiring place is created for the people of Thame.
This is your opportunity to let the Town Council know what you think about Elms Park and to share your ideas and suggestions about how to make the park a better and more enjoyable place to be. The survey will take under 10 minutes to complete and will be open until Friday 26 November 2021.
Survey now closed.
TNP2 Housing Needs survey
Thame Town Council is renewing its Neighbourhood Plan (TNP2) and needs to undertake a Housing Survey.
House builders tell Thame Town Council that they want to provide homes for people living not just in Thame, but also in our surrounding communities. They say it is best to provide some types of housing within Thame, such as that built for older people, to make it easy for them to get to shops and other services.
We also think it is important that we provide homes that help keep families with a strong connection to Thame together. We are asking you to tell us of any needs for housing that you cannot find locally, no matter what your age or need. We will use the information you give us to help deliver homes aimed more at people from our own community.
- affordable housing
- older peoples housing
- other specialist housing.
For queries on the survey please email Graeme Markland at: consultations@thametowncouncil.gov.uk, or for a paper copy of the survey, please call 01844 212833, or pick one up from the Information Centre in the Town Hall.
Survey now closed.
Date posted: Thursday 11 November 2021
Updated: Thursday 9 December 2021