Kingsmead Business Park Update

21 February 2019
Following on from last week’s article, South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning Committee resolved to refuse the speculative planning application for up to 129 dwellings, a 68 bed care home, and 1511sqm of office space on the whole of Kingsmead Business Park, the old DAF/Kubota site. There were particular concerns expressed that the marketing efforts to keep the site alive as a Business Park were insufficient to overrule the relevant employment policies that allocate the land for employment use only. The Town Council will continue to protect allocated employment land where it can, to avoid Thame becoming a dormitory town like so many others. Thank you for everyone’s support.
14 February 2019
In spite of strong representations from the Town Council that employment land in Thame needs protecting in line with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan, it is possible that the Planning Authority, SODC, will be approving the building of up to 129 dwellings, a 68 bed care home and 1511sqm of office space on the whole of the Kingsmead Business Park, the old DAF/Kubota site. The Town Council will be making further representations at the decisive SODC Planning Committee meeting in Wallingford at 6pm on Wednesday 20 February. The meeting is open to the public and we encourage you to attend, whether you are for or against the proposals.
Read the Town Council’s previous update –
Image credit: Care UK
Date posted: Tuesday 19 February 2019
Updated: Thursday 21 February 2019